These tools are made from the highest grade natural rose quartz. Rose quartz is famously the stone of unconditional love, vibrating at a very high frequency that is said to purify and open the heart. Rose quartz promotes feelings of compassion, pure love for all living creatures, self-love, self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and self-worth. It is a beautiful stone to meditate with for emotional healing, and to connect to your inner divinity. We chose to make our tools from rose quartz as it is the perfect stone to compliment your self-care ritual.
"My favourite addition to my rose facial with my favourite Rose Face Oil"
I use my Gua Sha religiously every other night before bed. It seriously improves my skin tone, complexion and how hydrated it feels too. I use it with the Rose Face Oil and I couldn't recommend it more for skin that is a bit dull or tired looking. Pure heaven.